kanal tedavisi bf 1

In general, root canal treatment is a treatment method to recover and repair teeth that are severely decayed or inflamed. If the living tissue or pulp (nerves) in the root canals is infected due to deep caries or trauma and fractures in the teeth, if it is damaged to such an extent that it cannot renew itself and cannot continue to exist in its current form, root canal treatment should be applied.

It will be in your best interest to take the necessary precautions from the first moment the tooth is noticed. Because if it is delayed in removing the caries from the tooth, the decay begins to go deep and causes inflammation of the nerves in the tooth. Inflammation of the dental nerves also leads to severe toothaches. In this case, the root canal treatment method will be inevitable in order not to lose the main tooth. The main purpose of root canal treatment is to remove the tooth nerve in the soft tissue in the natural cavity called the ‘root canal’ of the hard tissue in the tooth, clean the inside of the tooth and fill the gap.

How do we do the root canal treatment?

In fact, the tooth nerve removed from the tooth with the root canal treatment method is not of vital importance. In addition, it prevents the tooth from causing severe pain. This nerve is a nerve that is formed in the perception of cold or hot teeth. If the inflamed tooth is not treated, abscesses may form around it as a result of the tooth becoming infected. The pulp or nerve located inside the teeth located in the mouth; The caries, fractures or cracks that occur in the tooth can become infected.

Root canal treatment can be applied to cover several sessions, taking into account the condition of the seriousness of the patient’s tooth. The first application to be made will be to take a dental X-ray to better see the shape of the root canals in the tooth. In this way, it is checked whether there is an infection in the roots. Local anesthesia is applied so that you do not feel pain during the procedures to be applied. In some rare cases, anesthesia may not be needed if the tooth is completely dead.

In order to keep the area to be treated completely dry, an insulation cover called Rubber Dam is placed around the tooth. The purpose of this is to prevent the possibility of bacteria in saliva entering the canal during treatment. In this way, the process will proceed more hygienically and comfortably. An access hole will then be drilled to reach the root canal. Thanks to this hole, the rotten nerve tissue and bacteria inside are removed. Root canal files are used during the cleaning process. After the root canals are disinfected and shaped, the root canals are filled with special filling materials. Then, the treatment protocol for the restoration of the superstructure of the tooth is passed.

In root canal treatment, we sometimes resort to antibiotic treatment as a supporter, but unfortunately antibiotics are not a solution that will eliminate the problems of the inflamed, aching tooth or root canal treatment. If antibiotics are used in a tooth that requires root canal treatment, it has passed into a chronic inflammation and the inflammation has not completely disappeared. Therefore, in order to solve the existing inflammation and infectious condition, it is necessary to clean and treat the bacterial load there with mechanical intervention with root canal treatment. In current cases, the use of antibiotics is very common in our country and we do not find the use of antibiotics appropriate in procedures that can be solved without antibiotics.

In Which Cases Do We Perform Root Canal Treatment?

In general, root canal treatment is a treatment method applied to eliminate infections and caries, to shape the tooth canals, to fill the canals and to restore the function of the existing tooth. At the beginning of the conditions that require treatment, deep caries is located. In cases where the teeth are too damaged to heal, the nerves are removed and the teeth are protected. Therefore, the most positive aspect of root canal treatment is to save the tooth and not to lose the usual supporting bone structure of the tooth.

Derin çürüyen dişlerde, çürük sinire ilerlediği zaman dişin siniri canlı olduğunda canlı dişlerde kanal tedavisini uygularız. Ama bu durumun ilerlemesi söz konusu olabiliyor. İlerleyerek köklerde iltihap ortaya çıktığı zaman devital dişlerde kanal tedavisi uygulaması yapabiliyoruz.

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In the case of inflamed teeth, the root canal treatment process can take one click longer. We can reapply to the root canal treatment process in the teeth that have been previously treated but the existing problems have not passed or the inflammation at the root end has not healed. Apart from this, if a tooth is decayed and no precautions are taken and the tooth has gone to the canal and no precautions have been taken, then inflammation and infection can be seen in the teeth. When root canal treatment is not performed, unfortunately, it is inevitable to progress to the process of tooth loss.

Kanal Tedavisi Nedir

How Long Does Our Root Canal Treatment Take?

Root canal treatment to be applied; The number of roots in the tooth of our patient may vary according to the procedures such as infection in the root canals and cleaning of the nerves. Root canal treatment can last up to a week depending on the condition of the infection seen in the tooth.

In general, root canal treatment can take an average of 30 to 90 minutes. However, in some cases, for example if an infection is present, it may be necessary to wait a week before closing the tooth because medication will be put inside to clean the tooth. In other cases, the treatment can be completed on the day the tooth is cleaned. However, if the root canal treatment is not completed on the same day, a filling is temporarily placed in the hole opened so that the canal is not infected and inflamed again, and remains clean. When the tooth is to be closed, a paste is placed in the hole to prevent leakage. Then the external access hole opened at the beginning of the treatment is closed with a filling.

When the root canal treatment application is completely finished and the permanent filling is filled to that area, chewing with that tooth should be avoided as much as possible. Fully repairing and restoring the treated tooth may require further application and treatment methods. Since the tooth that needs root canal treatment is usually a large filling or a tooth that has been severely damaged or damaged, we use ceramic fillings such as inlay, onlay, overlay, endekron, which we call porcelain filling, to protect that tooth and prevent it from breaking.

What do we recommend you to pay attention to after root canal treatment?

Since the dental nerves are taken together with the inflamed tissue during the root canal treatment, it is not possible to stimulate the tooth by external factors. However, in the area where infection and pain are seen before the treatment, mild pain may be seen after the procedure. In this case, the sensitivity can be eliminated with painkillers to be used.

While the healing of the teeth gradually after the treatment is seen, there are some situations that our patients should pay attention to. These:

  • If the treatment does not end in the first session, the use of the treated tooth should be avoided.
  • Even if the treatment is completely over, care should be taken not to eat or drink anything for at least three hours.
  • Crustacean and hard foods that will put pressure on the treated tooth should not be consumed until it is completely healed.
  • The success rate is extremely high with the root canal treatment applied. In order to use the treated tooth for years, care should be taken to care for in a careful and regular manner and doctor controls should not be interrupted.

Root canal treatment is more developmentally invasive and one click more difficult procedures than procedures such as filling and tartar cleaning that we do in our routine. Therefore, in order to prevent our teeth from going to such an invasive procedure, we pay attention to our oral hygiene and save the teeth with interventions such as filling without going to the root canal treatment stage with continuous controls. In this way, we can better protect both the vitality and the health of your teeth.

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