Ortodonti Tedavisi Nedir

Orthodontics is the process of correcting the structural disorders that occur in the structure of the teeth, gums, jaw and mouth. Orthodontic treatment is a method that has been applied for many years and is performed by specialist dentists and orthodontists.

In this treatment, changes in the mouth, jaw, teeth and head structure of the person are taken into consideration. Accordingly, the most appropriate treatment method is selected for the person. One of the many orthodontic treatments is applied by looking at the condition of the person. It can be stated that it is a holistic treatment because the mouth, teeth, jaw, palate and head structure are taken into consideration in orthodontics. In addition, it can be said that the person has a kind of aesthetic operation because it is intended to look aesthetically beautiful. If disorders in the mouth, gums and tooth structure are diagnosed early, orthodontic treatment can give more effective and faster results. In addition, starting treatment at an early age and not disrupting the treatment process also produces good results.

What are Orthodontic Problems?

They are usually problems caused by teeth, jaws and joints. There are many orthodontic problems. These:

Crowding: It is the condition that the teeth are very close to each other or overlapping each other due to the jaw structure.

Rotational Teeth: The direction of the teeth is unusual. It can adversely affect the jaw structure and gum. It can be treated at an early age.

Intermittent Teeth: It is the fact that the teeth are open more than usual. With the help of braces, intermittent teeth can be joined.

Closing Disorders: It is a disorder caused by the jaw and tooth structure. Orthodontic treatment is necessary in cases where the jaw is difficult to close, rear, forward and transversely.

Impacted Teeth: Teeth embedded in the jawbone or palate lead to orthodontic problems.

Missing Teeth: Teeth lost for various reasons can cause orthodontic problems.

Advanced Jaw Problem: It is the condition that the jaw is further than normal due to the jaw bone. It can disrupt the structure of the teeth.

Jaw Stenosis: It is the condition that the jaw does not complete its full development. There may be overlapping or crowding of the teeth due to this situation.

Cleft Palate and Lip: It is a congenital orthodontic problem. May require surgical operation.

What are the Causes of Orthodontic Problems?

These problems usually occur due to jaw and dental problems experienced in childhood. The causes of orthodontic problems vary from person to person.

  • Shedding of milk teeth at an early age,
  • Malnutrition and various nutritional disorders,
  • Breathing through the mouth,
    harmful habits acquired at an early age (sucking fingers, biting a pencil tip, eating nails, using a pacifier for a long time, clenching teeth, grinding teeth),
  • Skeletal and posture disorders,
  • Excessive secretion of growth hormone,
  • Incomplete jaw development,
  • Fracture of the jaw,
  • Genetic factors are among the most common causes.
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What are Our Orthodontic Treatment Methods?

Orthodontic treatment varies from person to person. The treatment method appropriate to the person’s problem is determined by the specialist doctor. The methods used in orthodontic treatment are:

Metal Brackets (Braces): It is a method used to eliminate the defects in the structures of the teeth. Braces, the most common method of treatment, can give effective results. Thanks to these wires adhering on the teeth, the defects in the structure of the teeth are eliminated. There is no difficulty in opening and closing the teeth or in the jaw.

Transparent Plaques: It is an apparatus frequently used in orthodontic treatment. A plaque sample is created by measuring the person’s palate and tooth structure. It is a treatment that gives positive results if used regularly.

Lingual Orthodontics: It is a wire that is attached to the inner surface of the teeth. It provides several advantages in the treatment of dental disorders.

Palate: It is a treatment method used in tooth crookedness and skeletal disorders in the gums.

Fixed Functional Devices: These are the devices placed on the braces. It is used in the treatment of skeletal disorders.

Temporary Fulcrum Screws: It is a procedure performed with local anesthesia. Thanks to the support received from the screws placed in the mouth, orthodontic problems are eliminated.

Our Process After Orthodontic Treatment

Ortodonti Tedavisi Nasıl Yapılır

After the treatment, the person’s health status and the development of the treatment are examined. If orthodontic treatment gives positive results within the prescribed time, reinforcement treatment can be started. Reinforcement treatment is done with a transparent plaque called retainer. After orthodontic treatment, a reinforcement treatment is started to reduce and eliminate the tendency of the teeth to return to their former state. The person must come to the doctor’s controls every six months. In this way, the problems that may arise in the process can be intervened quickly.

During this period, the person should follow the recommendations given by the doctor, pay attention to oral and dental health and come to the treatment regularly. In addition, if a negative result is obtained, it may be necessary to wear a transparent palate or apparatus. If the orthodontic treatment has given positive results in the prescribed time, the treatment period can be completed.

After the treatment is completed, it is necessary to come to the doctor’s control at regular intervals and not to disrupt oral and dental care. If problems arise again after the treatment is over, the doctor should be contacted. Since orthodontic treatment is a sensitive and challenging process, this sensitivity may continue after the treatment. Therefore, it is very important to take the necessary precautions after treatment.

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