nazan nur arik kimdir

I graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry (English), which is one of the few educational institutions in our country. I continue my studies in the field of “Aesthetic and Functional Dentistry”, that is a special field of study in the field of dentistry.

By participating in more than 50 seminars and trainings, I closely follow the current and technological developments in my field of expertise. The presentation I made at the TAOMS (Oral Maxillofacial Surgery) Congress in 2017; is an important example of these trainings. I am serving in my own clinic in Istanbul Kadıköy, which is in a very accessible and strategic location now.

My Works

Dentistry, which focuses on aesthetic and functional designs, requires expertise and the ability to plan a personalized treatment process. With the services I provide in this field, I provide that caries, gums, missing teeth, and several aesthetic problems are resolved. At the same time, I ensure effective service at the point of identifying the root causes and producing solutions by getting to the root of the problem.

By interiorizing aesthetic and functional dentistry, I aim to both apply treatment and provide a fundamental solution to the problem. In the field of aesthetic and functional dentistry, I perform interfere for general health and aesthetic appearance.

I offer treatments that are coherent able with the mouth structure and face of the people and include the necessary cosmetic applications. I create personalized treatment protocols for gum recession, anterior tooth problems or caries, posterior tooth problems or cavities, discolored teeth, short teeth, intermittent teeth, interdental caries in teeth, gum diseases, missing teeth, and many different conditions.

In the dental treatments I apply, the health of our patients is our priority. This is followed by the function of the teeth, and finally, minimally invasive (removing minimal tissue from the tooth) treatment.

My aim in all my treatments is to provide that my application creates the natural tooth appearance. In the dental and gingival treatments that I plan for the person, I provide that both aesthetics and chewing are in their natural function.

With the result we will achieve because of the treatment, we aim for an appearance that is not different from the natural state of the tooth, aesthetically complete the face and smile line, and has a healthy chewing function.

calismalarim nazan nur arik

My Field of Expertise

In addition to preserving a healthy tooth structure, I also offer services for ideal smile design. I also continue to work in the fields of Digital Smile Design and Hollywood Smile. In addition, my other areas of expertise are as follows:

While constituting the most suitable designs for my patients’ facial structure and ideal smile, I take care to the use of up-to-date dental materials such as composite bonding, zirconium, Emax lamina and Emax crowns for an effective and successful treatment process.

  • Implant Prostheses
  • Aesthetic Dental Materials
  • Jaw Joint Diseases
  • Leaf Porcelain
  • Composite Laminate
  • Zirconium Crown
  • Aesthetic Filling
  • Implant Surgery
  • Lamina Veneer

Association I'm a Member Of

I work with certain association in the field of aesthetic and functional dentistry, which is my field of ​​expertise. In this way, I aim to present the most successful applications by closely following the developments in my profession. Some of the fundamental association I am a member of are as follows:


Computer Aided Dentistry Academy


Turkish Oral Implantology Association


Aesthetic Dentists Academy Association


European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry

In addition to being a member of successful association that have proven themselves in the field of dentistry, I nicely carry out applications in the field of aesthetic and functional dentistry, from implant to aesthetic smile design. I continue to provide effective service to my patients in the field of ‘Aesthetic, Cosmetic and Functional Dentistry’, which is my field of ​​expertise.


Get Information

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Dt. Nazan Nur Arık

Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’nden (İngilizce) mezun oldum. Çalışmalarımı Estetik, Kozmetik ve Fonksiyonel Diş Hekimliği alanında sürdürmekteyim. 50’den fazla eğitim ve kongre/seminere katılım sağladım. 2017 yılında TAOMS (Oral Maksillofasiyal Cerrahi) Kongresi’nde sunum yaptım.